Listen to the bugle call of Szczecin
Codziennie o 12:00 z Urzędu Miasta i Zamku Książąt Pomorskich rozbrzmiewa szczeciński hejnał.
There are many interesting spots hidden in Szczecin that are invisible at first sight. Let's try to find those interesting spots to make your visit even more enjoyable.
Codziennie o 12:00 z Urzędu Miasta i Zamku Książąt Pomorskich rozbrzmiewa szczeciński hejnał.
Zatrzymaj się na chwilę i zrób zdjęcie z wizytówką Szczecina w tle
Życzliwek wyemigrował do Szczecina
Piece of art on buildings
For years the anchor, a device that makes it possible to secure a ship, has been not only an element of a ship's equipment, but also a symbol that appears in sailing, art, heraldry, craft, not forgetting the symbol of Fighting Poland, very important in Polish history.
Szczecin is a city of griffins
Trails in Alt-Bucholz