Arkoński Forest Park

Arkoński Forest Park, called “Arkoński Forest” by the residents, is part of the Wkrzańska Forest drowning in greenery.
The area of 976.9 ha is located in the north and north-west of Szczecin on the Warszewo Hills. The park is crossed by the Arkonka, Zielonka, and Żabiniec streams and there are large variations in terrain height. The highest hill is Sobótka Hill, 70 meters above sea level and Arkona - 70.3 meters above sea level.
Fragments of Szczecin’ history are hidden in the Arkoński Forest, including the ruins of the Quistorp Tower or the ruins of the Arkońska forester's lodge, but also the charming Lake Goplana, health trail or the St. Brother Albert’s Centre in the historic building of the former Kurhaus Eckerberg Spa House.
It is worth taking a walk along the "In the Footsteps of Quistorps" route, which features the ruins of the Quistorp Tower. This trail commemorates Johannes Quistorp and his son Martin, whose philanthropic activities included, among others, creating recreational areas in Szczecin.
An undoubted attraction of the Park is the Arkonka swimming pool and recreation complex.