Explore Oder

Full descriptions of exciting places, canoeing routes, bicycle paths along the Odra River, boat rental addresses and much more. All for free!
Our app is a collection of over a hundred water attractions located in Szczecin, Międzyodrze, and up to the German town of Schwedt, to be admired from the deck of a kayak, or motorboat, or a bicycle.
- Visit the most compelling places and take advantage of many ready-made offers for water and bicycle tourist routes
- Check where you can rent or launch your water equipment safely
- Go on a water trip and discover the most interesting places in the area thanks to a clear and user-friendly map
- Receive notifications about dangers, and our suggestions for behaviour in certain areas.
- In the event of an accident, call WOPR immediately
The latest version of the application allows you to explore the immediate vicinity of the Odra by bike! Furthermore, we have prepared 11 bicycle routes for cyclists which feature spectacular views, new and exciting places on the route and the opportunity to ride along pre-designated (already established routes.
- Discover the most interesting bicycle routes in Szczecin and its vicinity (also on the German side of the border)
- Listen to our audio narrator who will tell you about the attractions you will encounter
- Plan a trip along a number of routes which have been marked by cycling specialists
- Use our knowledge to help you navigate to your chosen destination
Download in App Store
Download in Google Play
The application was developed as part of the project "Łączy nas rzeka 2.0. - der Fluss verbindet uns 2.0.", which involves German-Polish cooperation in developing cross-border water tourism products. The project is co-financed by the European Union from the resources of the European Regional Development Fund and the state budget (Small Project Fund within the framework of the Interreg VA Co-operation Programme Mecklenburg-Vorpommern / Brandenburg / Poland in the Euroregion of Pomerania).