Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Silence and Meditation Garden

The garden in Szczecin Zdroje (formerly Finkenwalde) is a green garden memorial dedicated to Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
Here, for two years before World War II, Bonhoeffer run a seminary to train Confessing Church pastors. Dietrich Bonhoeffer was an Evangelical priest and theologian, one of the greatest German thinkers and anti-Nazi dissidents. He died on April 9, 1945, after being tried for his alleged participation in a plot against Hitler. He was hanged in the Flosenburg concentration camp.
The place dedicated to the memory of this attentive observer of reality, a witness of faith and a poet, is to increase awareness, encourage reflection and build understanding. In the garden you will find boards with Bonhoeffer's thoughts written in three languages. There are also trees symbolising the main messages and ideas proclaimed by Bonhoeffer: living in a spirit of peace and mutual trust between nations.
Every year, the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Szczecin organizes International Bonhoeffer Days, during which an ecumenical prayer takes place at the Zdrój memorial site.
Access: in Zdroje from Batalionów Chłopskich street, turn into Jabłoniowa street. It is a no-exit road and the garden is at its end, on the right, next to the railway tracks. The area belongs to the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Szczecin.