Mścięcino Forest Park

It is an extremely green recreational area that is part of the Szczecin Forests promotion complex and part of the Wkrzańska Forest.
Located on the Warszewo Hills in the area of the Mścięcino estate, divided by the border between the cities of Police and Szczecin, it is a favourite recreational place of the residents. Two streams flowing through the park - Przęsocińska Struga and Grzybnica - certainly add charm to this place and with a little bit of luck, you can also meet wild animals.
The red hiking trail "Paths of Wild Boars" leads through the southern and eastern parts of the park. The trail features picturesque gorges with watercourses.
During World War II in the northern part of the park (at the current Ofiar Stutthofu street in Police) there was a labour camp at the Nazi synthetic gasoline factory in Police, which was a sub-camp of KL Stutthof.